Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 2 in Gottingen

Gutentag! Today after Kara and Dad left for school and work, Pika, Mom, and I set out to see the city. All I can say is... no, there aren't words. Gottingen is a magical place. It has all the elements of a small and safe cozy town, but with all the advantages of big city life as well- the shopping is amazing, ranging from big department stores, to small boutiques or thrift shops. The whole downtown is enclosed in a circle where there is only foot traffic, bikes, delivery trucks, and buses allowed. The variety of bread shops and flower shops are so fun and European. And ice cream here, is an art. There are countless cafes devoted entirely to dessert and ice cream and the presentation and design is as good as the taste. We tried this amazing pistachio ice cream today.

I also visited the Goethe Institute, which is where I will be going to school come October. It is this beautiful and was built in like 1900 and is completely in its original state. There are students there from all over the world, including Chile and South Africa, who are trying to learn German, most of them to try to pass the German language test you have to pass to enroll in any German university.

I have so much more to say and not enough time to say it in, but I will put some pictures up from today and I will be in touch tomorrow. Thanks for those who are following this now- I feel so loved!

Auf wiedersehen!


Windybrook Spinner said...

German thrift stores are especially awesome. It's amazing what Germans get rid of. Totally nice stuff. They probably think it is even more amazing how much of it I brought home.

Anonymous said...

I can already tell I'm going to love reading your blog Em! And, when you have your first adventure in H&M(ha und em) you're going to love it. Well maybe it can't beat the thrift stuff but its fun.

Emily said...

haha Sharolee- everyone talks about that store here, though I haven't made it there yet. I am glad you like my blog! I like you!